Minggu, 12 Mei 2013
How to choose a DSLR Camera
DSLR camera is right for those who want to pursue the world of photography. Any interests and hobbies should be supported with adequate equipment that can be channeled properly. This DSLR camera is designed specifically for professional photographers who already understand the ins and outs of photography in detail. The arrangement is also more complex than a regular camera. In addition, the camera lens can be adjusted to the needs of specific users to take pictures of objects with different effects. However, you should be more careful when choosing this camera because the price is more expensive than a regular camera on the market. Moreover, not all the features can be utilized by the user. There are several considerations that must be known to potential consumers before buying this product.
Every person has different needs and they have to buy certain goods to meet those needs. Buy goods that do not comply with the requirement is suau waste should be avoided. This also applies when choosing a DSLR camera. Lifestyle not a good reason to buy a DSLR camera. This product is not designed to enhance the "prestige" wearer. This product is designed for users who really need a better quality image. When you want to buy this camera, make sure you really need it to support a profession or a hobby, It is a pity if we buy expensive cameras are not necessarily useful and can be operated optimally. In other words, the best camera with specifications and prices above the average may not necessarily be the best choice for all consumers. There are two losses this decision. Prices of goods to be much more expensive and the stuff does not bring any benefit to the user.
The next consideration when choosing a camera is the price. Although the price is expensive DSLR camera, make sure fiturmya accordance with the specification and the price offered. In addition, the choice should also be adjusted with the budget and purchasing power. Not advisable to buy a camera with a credit system if only used as consumer goods. One of the worst financial decision is to buy consumer goods on credit.
Resolution is also an important factor for choosing a particular DSLR Camera. If you want to get a picture with better print quality, choose a camera with a high resolution. If the resolution is too small, the image quality is also not optimal.
Feature-rich digital SLR camera that is very supportive world of photography. One of its advantages is that the lens can be replaced as needed. Other accessories are also available in the market and the user can freely choose the product that suits the camera. In addition, the DSLR camera also offers better connectivity for copying digital files from the camera to the computer. Wireless connection can be easier for users when moving files. Additional features that do not exist in the regular camera is the more specific ISO setting. Users can customize it to take pictures of objects in the dark without sacrificing image quality.
DSLR cameras may not be suitable for everyone. One reason is its reasonable enough that much kebih complex than a regular camera. If the feature can not be used optimally, the camera becomes more valuable than a standard camera. Money was wasted. If you want to further pursue the world of photography, this camera is the best choice. However, you must be willing to take the time to learn the functions and how to use them right.
Find the related articles about Best Camera 2013 in Best Digital Camera 2013.

Rabu, 08 Mei 2013
A Visit to Dix Hill
On Saturday May 4th, I walked in the annual NAMI Walk on the campus of Dorothea Dix Hospital. NAMI is a grassroots advocacy organization founded by family members of persons with schizophrenia in the 1970s. These family members came together to advocate for better care of their relatives, and for mental health professionals to stop blaming families for causing schizophrenia. Today, NAMI is the one of the largest mental health advocacy groups in the US, with national and state offices, and local groups that vary in the intensity of their grassroots work. Their focus is much broader than schizophrenia these days.
I walked with a team from the UNC School of Social Work, and ran into lots of friends, as I've been in the mental health field in NC for the past twenty years, and a long-time advocate. I saw kindred spirits from NAMI Wake, Gerry and Ann Akland, and Louise Jordan, and my friends from NAMI Orange, Lisa Hamill, and Barbara and Gove Elder. Barbara and Gove are also active with Faith Connections, and are working with faith communities to be more inclusive of persons with mental illness. I walked with former clients, and with Club Nova members.

The Dorothea Dix Hospital, originally called Dix Hill, was created through the advocacy work of one woman: Dorothea Dix. Starting in the 1840s, she crusaded across the US for moral treatment of the insane, creating reports on how they were inhumanely housed in prisons and poorhouses, and was successful in getting state legislatures to make land grants to create state hospitals. In the early days, the state hospitals in NC were full communities -- with working farms growing food to feed the patients, and patients working in the facilities on the grounds.
The history of Dorothea Dix Hospital
At the end of her life, Dorothea Dix was dissatisfied with her progress toward improving the care of the mentally ill. There was a significant historical event that may have gotten in the way: the Civil War. During those years, she shifted her care to nursing the wounded.
The Dix campus is currently in the news -- it's a beautiful piece of land with rolling hills, expanses of green, and lovely trees. The hospital closed last year as part of the state plan to shift care from the state hospitals to local communities. The empty forensic unit building looks grim with its fences topped by barbed wire, but the cottages with stone fronts are lovely. And many state workers in the NC Department of Health and Human Services still work in buildings on the grounds.
What will become of Dix Hill? The city of Raleigh, and a group of prominent citizens called the Dix Visionaries, foresee a city park along the lines of NYC's Central Park. In her last days in office, Gov. Perdue signed a contract with the City of Raleigh to lease the land for a park. But, the Republican legislature is challenging the deal.
Dix Legacy Park
Whatever the outcome for the land, the vision that Dorothea Dix had for humane care of the mentally ill seems to have been thrown to the wayside in NC. The headline in the Raleigh News and Observer this morning is about the increasing number of the mentally ill in jails. They land there for minor offenses, don't get proper treatment, and get worse, not better.
In No Man's Land: The Mentally Ill
Before we left the grounds, David and I knew that a visit to Dix Hill wouldn't be complete without a stop at the Dix Cemetery.
Starting in 1859, patients who died were buried on a lovely hillside.

If they had no family, they got a plaque like this:

There were long rows of these small plaques. Some were visible, some were not. Were they buried beneath the grass, or had they been removed? We saw dates that spanned a hundred years.
If there was someone who loved you, you might have a monument like this -- we saw two honoring mothers.

And if you were part of a social group, they may have remembered you the way the Woodsmen of America did.

Dave and I enjoyed our day -- we had fun with friends, raised money for a good cause, and we visited ghosts who constantly remind me of why I do what I do.

Ms. Dix, we still have a long way to go. Whatever happens with this beautiful land in Raleigh, I hope we won't forget your vision of humane care for persons with mental illness, and that your spirit will stay around to sustain us.

Senin, 06 Mei 2013
5 Symptoms of Stroke
Stroke is a disease that can cause deathor disability in adults. Therefore, to minimize the effects or save patient lives, need to recognize the symptoms ofstroke so that medicaltreatment can be sought immediately.
To note, this is not just a stroke while attacking the elderly. Recent data known to 20 percent of stroke patients aged 55 years. While theaverage age of stroke patients 69-71 years old.
Patrick D. Lyden, MD, Chairman of Neurologyand Director of the Stroke Program atCedars-Sinai MedicalCenter, Los Angeles, California, USA, saidthere were five sudden and severe symptomsthat indicate the occurrence of stroke. Here are fivesymptoms, as quoted by ANI News, Tuesday (07/05/2013):
1. Sudden numbnessor weakness of the face, arm or leg on oneside of the body.
2. Sudden confusion, trouble speaking orunderstanding.
3. Suddenly havingtrouble viewing on one side.
4. Sudden trouble walking, heavy feeling, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination.
5. Sudden severe headache with no known cause.
Well, 'signals' thatmay appear briefly and was light so it does not raise concern. But if any of the symptoms that appear suddenly and noticeablyworse, could be a symptom of stroke. Immediately contact your doctor for stroke requires immediate action to minimize disability or death. Moreover, the National Stroke Association estimates that two-thirds of stroke patients suffer from disabilities.
In some cases, thrombolytic drugs or 'clot buster' can stop a stroke. Because the drug has the ability to destroy or dissolve blood clots. This drug should be timely. Ideally given 3 hours of onset (onset) stroke. The faster granted then the result will be better to save strokepatients.

Facebook Blocking Path Access
Facebook, the largest social media networking site in the world, has blocked access to its path after receiving complaints. Garanya, Path send spam messages. Path, the social media-based networking phone, reportedly sent messages to all your friends listed in Facebook, which uses Path, Sunday morning, May 5, 2013.
Although Facebook block access Path, FB account owner can still get into Path through his Facebook account. Users can still upload to Facebook wall through the Path. Only, the user will not be able to find anyone of his friends on Facebook via Path.

Shariah Allianz Insurance Will Continue to Grow
Shariah and Corporate Communication Officer of Allianz Indonesia Kiswati Soeryoko claim with the growth of Gross Premium Income in 2012 reached 38 percent, the life insurance business at Allianz Life Sharia Sharia continued to show growth from year to year.
"This is evidence that Islamic life insurance to be well received by the various layers and groups in Indonesian society," said Kiswati in Exposure Performance Allianz Life Sharia in 2012 in Penang Bistro, Jalan Kebun Sirih, Jakarta, Tuesday (05/07/2013) .
"But that case, the potential future of the insurance industry is very large so that the process of education and socialization still have to be made to promote," he added.
To continue to strengthen its commitment in developing Takaful business for the community, he said Allianz will strengthen the marketing of products through the addition of distribution partners in the banking business and also continue to increase the number of certified agents.
In addition, Allianz Life Sharia Kiswati added will also strengthen distribusu through telemarketing, which is now working with three partner banks namely BNI, BCA and Bank Muamalat.
"We believe life insurance business will develop well sharia in Indonesia because its business model is in accordance with the pattern of Indonesian society based on the principle of sharing and helping each other. Islamic life insurance customers not only obtain protection and quality financial planning for themselves and family , but also at a time of sharing and helping each other with insurance participants, "said Kiswati.
"This is evidence that Islamic life insurance to be well received by the various layers and groups in Indonesian society," said Kiswati in Exposure Performance Allianz Life Sharia in 2012 in Penang Bistro, Jalan Kebun Sirih, Jakarta, Tuesday (05/07/2013) .
"But that case, the potential future of the insurance industry is very large so that the process of education and socialization still have to be made to promote," he added.
To continue to strengthen its commitment in developing Takaful business for the community, he said Allianz will strengthen the marketing of products through the addition of distribution partners in the banking business and also continue to increase the number of certified agents.
In addition, Allianz Life Sharia Kiswati added will also strengthen distribusu through telemarketing, which is now working with three partner banks namely BNI, BCA and Bank Muamalat.
"We believe life insurance business will develop well sharia in Indonesia because its business model is in accordance with the pattern of Indonesian society based on the principle of sharing and helping each other. Islamic life insurance customers not only obtain protection and quality financial planning for themselves and family , but also at a time of sharing and helping each other with insurance participants, "said Kiswati.